Creating A Career

Video Course

This course consists of detailed insights from Cliff’s three decade’s worth of experience as a pro songwriter on how to build a business and a career around songwriting.

Thinking About A Career in Songwriting?

A career as a songwriter encompasses much more than just writing great songs. 

Getting up every day and doing the necessary work can be a bit overwhelming when you're not exactly sure what work there is to do.

By breaking down the various parts of a songwriting career into manageable pieces, I've made it much easier to see how songwriters aspiring to writing full-time can get started. 

As a professional songwriter for over thirty years, I'm able to provide essential information about what a career in songwriting looks like and how to go about pursuing that career yourself.

The price of this course is $29.99 which includes not only a private link to the video so you can watch it as often as you'd like but also a link to download the bonus course material.

If you (and/or your songs) aren't ready for this course yet, download my FREE tip sheet "A Dozen Quick Fixes to Instantly Improve Your Songs" below.

Creating A Career Course Benefits:

  • Details of a typical work week
  • Songwriting cities/or not
  • Why didn't someone tell me?

Bonus course materials include:

  • A pdf of the video course slides
  • A list of five great books for songwriters

Ready to take the course?
Click the button below!